The area around Lake Milada, as well as the entire North Bohemian Basin (also called Most Basin), underwent rapid changes, especially in the 19th and 20th centuries. What was originally densely populated farmland began to transform at the end of the 18th century into a prosperous mining and industrial area with numerous underground mines, industrial enterprises, and transport structures. World War II ended the regions period of growth and prosperity, which caused, among other things, a radical two-fold population change. Consequently, the region saw a significant reduction in the population.
In the 1970s, the Chabařovice surface mine was established between Ústí nad Labem and Chabařovice. It gradually covered almost 9 km² of landscape and 6 municipalities. After twenty-four years quarry mining came to an end. The comprehensive reclamation that turned the landscape into something completely new, with Lake Milada opening up and bringing in residents to begin the process of reinhabiting and reorienting themselves in an unfamiliar place.
The reclamation process, however, was not the end. It is now necessary to integrate this part of the region into the day-to-day lives of the residents of the surrounding municipalities and cities, as well as visitors who come here to rest and relax.
The task of PKÚ s.e. as the organizer of this large international competition, in cooperation with ONplan lab, s.r.o., is to find a solution that takes into account the interests and needs of all the target groups, so that this vast area will become an integral part of the lives of all future users of the area.